u-BACCH Mac Installation Guide + Video

u-BACCH Mac Installation Guide + Video

As we work on a proper Mac installer, he’s a quick walk-through video on how to manually drop your uBACCH.vst and uBACCH.component in their proper locations for DAW and Media Player usage!


Install u-BACCH on Mac

  1. Download the latest version of the plug-in from our shop: https://shop.bacch.com/pages/downloads Be sure to download the correct one for your device!

  2. Unzip the download, and unzip both the component and the VST3.

  3. Navigate to [Macintosh HD]/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins using another Finder window.

  4. Drag the Component into the Components folder. You’ll need to enter your password.

  5. Drag the VST3 into the VST3 folder. If you don’t have one, you can make one and simply label it “VST3”.

  6. Open your DAW of choice and rescan your plugins if they’re not scanned automatically. You’re good to go!

Uninstall u-BACCH on Mac

  1. Open Finder and navigate to /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3

  2. Right-click on uBACCHaudio.vst3 and click “Move to Trash”

  3. In Finder, navigate to /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components

  4. Right-click on uBACCHaudio.component and click “Move to Trash”